
What to do when fatty liver

Fatty liver is a condition in fat accumulation in the liver is greater than 5% by weight of the liver. People with fatty liver majority have no symptoms, since the deposition of fat in the liver occurs slowly. However, this is a very dangerous disease for 10-25% of patients with fatty liver can progress to cirrhosis and death.
Check with periodic
  Dr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Hospital Germans Vietnam (Hanoi) said that vulnerable people
including fatty liver obesity, alcoholism, diabetes type 2, the malnutrition lack of protein. In addition, hepatitis C, chronic diseases increased cholesterol, high doses and prolonged as corticoides drugs, tetracycline, estrogen pulled transform fat in the liver, fatty liver is also made.
Fatty liver mild symptoms almost no expression. Some people feel tired or feeling a bit calloused away in the bottom right side. At moderate levels, there are signs of anorexia, nausea, abdominal distention, with people having the same expression as vitamin bruising of the skin, thickening of the skin, nails, hair ... These people may also suffer severe jaundice, ascites. With the clinical manifestations such, the vast majority of cases detected fatty liver due to accidental testing other diseases. Therefore, in order to detect metabolic disorders, seek medical attention and periodic tests.
Dr. Le Thanh Ly, Head of Cabinet confidentiality and Digestive -Gan Cho Ray Hospital (HCMC), said fatty liver in most cases are not diagnosed disease but a symptom caused by the accumulation too much fat in the liver. Thus, treatment of fatty liver mainly treat the underlying cause disease. If you are overweight, should apply a reasonable diet and exercise regimen to lose weight movement. People with alcoholic fatty liver disease if the patient will recover abandon this beverage.
Exercise and diet
Dr. Tuan Anh, ultrasound and computerized tomography with 60% sensitivity in detecting fatty liver condition. However, if detected by ultrasound, people should not panic, worried by only new blood test for the main results of this xac.Hien, fatty liver can not be treated with medication or surgery. When fatty liver, especially nonalcoholic fatty liver inflammation, the most effective treatment plan is due to the initiative of patients with exercise regimen and proper nutrition.
Dr. Duong Cong Minh, Nutrition Centre in Ho Chi Minh City, said people with fatty liver should eat foods rich in cholesterol reduction as the type of animal organ meats, egg yolks. Limit your intake of fats, should be a priority vegetable oil, animal fat dietary restriction (except fish oil). Also, to limit the types of food from fried foods, sausages down, sausage. Need to limit sweets like cookies, candy, molasses, cane, soft drinks ... Do not eat too spicy and hot things like ginger, garlic, chilli, pepper, wine.
Some foods are considered "drug" effect "reduced fat" good such as soybean oil, peas, fresh ripe tomatoes, vegetables shrinkage, celery, lettuce fish, garlic, banana ... Eat fruits, choose categories such as lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, apples. In the diet should increase the amount of vegetables, each person should eat at least 300g of vegetables, 200g of fresh ripe fruits / day.
Although benign fatty liver, but the rate of rise as high as 25% fibrosis, about l, 5% - 8% of patients with cirrhosis may arise. Once arising cirrhosis, liver cirrhosis prognosis formats like vein, ie will have ascites; varicose veins; gastrointestinal bleeding more, eventually leading to death. Acute fatty liver caused by drug poisoning, pregnancy ... the mortality rate is very high. The vast majority of chronic hepatic steatosis, if early treatment room, can prevent more serious disease development.
Some foods should be used
Silkworm pupae: Yes effective in reducing serum cholesterol and improve liver function. Nymphs are often used as food or pulverized to drink.
Mushrooms: Contains substances to lower cholesterol in the blood and liver cells. Often used as food for the food processing.
Tea Leaves: Able reduction supplements, fat. Tea has the ability to increase the elasticity of arteries, reducing blood cholesterol and preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver.
Lotus: Reduce blood fat, reduce fat and prevent the accumulation of fat in liver cells. Lotus leaf is used mixed with boiling water to drink instead of tea or porridge lotus leaf.
Corn fruit, vegetables need: Yes to lower cholesterol in the blood and liver cells, particularly suitable for patients with fatty liver.

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