
Last cure fatty liver disease

Corn grain is very suitable for people with liver steatosis. The liver is the largest organ of the body with many important functions. Just 2 minutes to move the whole blood through the liver first time. The liver is the body of the nutrients stored glycogen, lipid, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B12, blood and the substances participating in erythropoiesis. If the daily diet high in fat, especially animal fat as the fat content in the liver, which is often called "fatty liver".

When the liver is fatty, depending on the level, liver function can be impaired, the body tired, eat dyspepsia, anorexia. In traditional medicine does not have fatty liver disease list, but the basis of clinical symptoms may see patients under the stock "accumulate". In terms of treatment, there are many methods, but the problem moderation in eating and using prescription food plays a very important role. Fatty liver What foods should be used?
Corn grain is very suitable for people with liver steatosis. Because corn contains more unsaturated fatty acids have the ability to promote the metabolism of fat and cholesterol in particular general.

According to traditional medicine, calculated average sweet corn, often used for the case of damaged spleen weakness, anorexia, edema, dyslipidemia ... Often used as bread or corn meal porridge.

Silkworm pupae sweet salty, calculated average, have the effect of reducing serum cholesterol and improve liver function. Often used as food or pulverized to drink. Mushrooms are considered ideal foods for people with fatty liver.
In the mushrooms contain substances that work to reduce cholesterol in the blood and liver cells. Often used as food for the food processing. Experience folk that leaf tea (tea) works to eliminate fat supplements. But modern research results show that it is likely to increase the elasticity of arteries, reducing blood cholesterol and preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver.
Leaf also work to reduce fat, reduce fat and prevent the accumulation of fat in liver cells. Lotus leaf is used as a brake to drink boiled water instead of tea or porridge lotus leaf. Vegetables should also helping to cool the liver, lower blood cholesterol, promote the excretion of waste and cleansing the blood service. Commonly used as a vegetable. In addition, people with fatty liver should focus additional fresh vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, bamboo shoots, zucchini, okra, melons, cucumbers.
About drinks, use one of the teas are processed as follows: 3g of tea, herbs scouts describe 15g, bring two things braking in tight container with boiling water, then 20 minutes to drink. Used for protecting the liver, fat, diuretic, slimming. Or take 2 grams of tea, 10g needle UAT (can be replaced by turmeric), licorice gold star 5g, 25g honey. All pieces move, braking with water, drink throughout the day. Use dry tea 3g, sand base (Kudzu Status blade) 10g, 20g lotus leaf. All debris braking behavior rather drink tea will be used to detoxify, reduce blood fat, reduce fat. It could just use fresh lotus leaf (or dry) state rather drink tea braking wastes daily.
Use tea tree roots 30g, 60g described scouts, intelligent 12g draft decision. All debris braking behavior drink daily. This tool is used to reduce blood fat and obesity prevention. This tea is very suitable for people with fatty liver with blood lipid disorders, coronary artery disease.
Fresh Tea 30g, 15g medlar. The two brake boiling water to drink every day, will be used to burn fat, reduce fat. Use camellia 3g, 3g packaging bare, white spirit crushed 5g braking behavior with water in sealed containers, after 20 minutes, it is used, rather drink tea during the day. Need limit (or abstain) of the fatty food supplements such as animal fat, egg yolk, brain and liver of cattle, butter ... and other things too spicy, hot.

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