
7 Measures to Prevent fatty liver disease

Biện pháp phòng bệnh gan nhiễm mỡ, bien phap phong benh gan nhiem mo  Measures to prevent fatty liver disease, preventive measures steatosis Today, Due to pressure of work and living Habits That some unhealthy fatty liver disease Patients with Increasing Proportions and is Becoming a concern to many people '. So how to Prevent the disease, how to stay away from the maximum of fatty liver disease Possible Causes Remains the question many people 'are interested. Hope to learn about Preventive Measures 7 steatosis sẽ partially solve this problem below.

Measures to Prevent fatty liver disease
Make a reasonable diet

This is the first measure, the Most Important in preventing fatty liver disease:

- Perform diet, proper meals on time, đúng portioned, eat less at night, Especially after 19 hours;

Reasonable diet help prevent fatty liver, diet help you hop li prevention of fatty liver

- Do not eat a lot of cholesterol-rich foods like organ Meats of all kinds of animals, animal skins, egg yolk, while limiting animal fat (can substitute with vegetable fat);

Restriction eat fried foods, fried, sauteed with oily, tránh using the fast food (pate, ham, sausage, ...);

- Do not eat a lot of salt, each person shouldnt eat up to 5 g / day;

Restriction to the body absorb protein from meat, eat more shrimp, crab and fish to supplement protein cần for the body;

- Minimization of coffee, strong tea, tobacco, wine, beer and other alcoholic drinks this is an Important fatty liver disease Causing reason and other liver diseases;

- Increased use of food as mushrooms, green tea, squash, soybean oil, peas, tomatoes, yellow pepper, celery, garlic, lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, ... .chu Importance of food rich in fiber;
Strengthen Advocacy to Prevent fatty liver disease

The habit of eating more, prolonged inactivity cause, fatty liver disease and sẽ more Causes Severe disease. So you divide the Timetable of the day right, choose yourself a Suitable sports and spend 30 minutes each day at nhất to exercise regularly, and the during work in office room, every 30 minutes of work you get moving for 5 minutes to tăng effective prevention offline ;
Take Measures to Increase the resistance of the body

Not only diet, rest, exercise reasonable you need to Improve full body resistance by adding vitamins, essential minerals ahead. Only through your help fight the cause, of fatty liver disease and many other diseases truth;
Avoid using drugs cause, liver damage

Including corticide, the anti-cancer drugs, drug female sex hormones, drugs amiodarone, methotrexate, diltiazem, tetracycline, antiviral drugs, glucocorticoids, tamoxifen, ... you shouldnt be to consult Your doctor thế by the Other drugs have similar effects offline.
Adjust reasonable body weight

You need to sustain yourself a healthy weight to height index tương ứng Measures and reduction, weight if you're overweight positive, it is offline Obesity not only the cause, of fatty liver disease but there are many other diseases truth;
Periodic health check regularly

Every six months the overall Ultrasound and blood tests to check the index: sugar, cholesterol and Tryglyceride, liver function, ... Timely detection and treatment for thoroughly, efficiently, Especially Those Patients can cause, an infection disease g fat as hepatitis B, hepatitis C.
Regular use of the foods good for liver

The frequent use of food liver, Enhance detoxification (artichoke, corn silk, corn, heat tea, lotus seed, ye lower continents, ...) and the food is good for the liver function in the direction doctor's instructions sẽ help you have a to protect the body healthy liver and fatty liver disease Prevent effectively.

These are fatty liver disease Measures 7 That you need to study, refer to applicable flexible, reasonable, constantly bring to Improve Efficiency physical health, Enhance liver function and prevention of fatty liver disease effective, one of the common diseases and is projected to be a disease of the 21st century. Measures to Prevent fatty liver disease shouldnt be made uniform, regularly Brings new good results there. Know how to protect and Improve the health of yourself and loved ones with you offline These precautions truly effective.

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