
What do you know about fatty liver disease?

What do you know about fatty liver disease? Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And A fatty liver disease
Fatty liver is the first manifestation of fatty liver disease. In the normal amount of fat in the liver is very low, accounting for only 2-4% of the weight of the liver include trigyceride, fatty acids, phospholipids, cholesterol. The disease fatty liver disease that just kind of hepatocytes with fatty droplets and different fat bubbles.
Progression of fatty liver fatty liver leads to inflammation, fibrosis and cirrhosis. Depending on the cause of the disease which fat accumulates in the liver also different.

  Fatty liver disease is divided into three categories depending on the amount of fat: mild type (accounting for 5-10% fat content), medium (10-25% fat) and heavy (30% fat). Usually fatty liver disease can be cured, if diagnosed and treated promptly, the liver can recover to normal.
- Fatty liver Nutritional ingredients including improper food, fat, too much sugar absorption, poor eating habits (drinking a lot of alcohol), mode of living Disorder ( much sitting, sedentary, stressful mental depression), hereditary in the family if many people are obese.
- Fatty liver caused by chemicals such as drinking too much alcohol, toxic phosphorus, arsenic, lead ...
- Fatty liver endocrinology, diabetes ...
- Fatty liver immunity.
- Fatty liver by taking some medicines can lead to diseases such as type corticide, tetracycline, the anti-cancer drugs, drug female sex hormones ...
- Do bacteria, viruses during viral hepatitis B, C often have fatty liver complications, especially hepatitis C (sometimes also referred to as the post-hepatitis steatosis).
The principle of treating fatty liver disease :
It should be based on the cause of the disease, based on the specific situation of each patient for the treatment of synthesis:
- Eliminate the causes and factors causing fatty liver disease . If you have diabetes, increased blood fats stock ... need aggressive treatment to control.
- Be active, maintaining a normal body weight; avoid drinking alcohol.
- Raise awareness of health protection, eliminating bad living habits.
- When necessary to protect the liver drug use, drug targets and anti-fibrosis fat, promotes the excretion of fat in the liver, anti-inflammatory prevent hepatocellular necrosis and fibrosis.
It is easy to understand if a person with diabetes or too fat if you drink too much wine or beer will be very susceptible to fatty liver.
Alcoholic fatty liver:
All those who drank more than 60 g of alcohol per day, even if only for a short time drinking are at risk for fatty liver disease .
In the US, 15.3 million people are addicted to alcohol. If test their liver, almost invariably the fatty liver disease . Fortunately, fatty liver rarely fatal, liver and will return to completely normal if the patient stops drinking. However, if the alcoholic continues drinking, their liver will gradually become the bottle. Some people may be suffering from liver cancer.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver:
In this case, fatty liver may be the first symptom of diabetes. When we eat too much for the body's consumption, surplus energy will be stored as fat. Fat accumulation throughout the body, most pronounced belly hips, chin and neck. But it was the "seed" hidden fat inside the body truly dangerous to our health. Therefore, many patients still skinny but can be fatty liver, especially if they have diabetes and / or high fat.
Symptoms of fatty liver disease
Usually fatty liver caused significant symptoms. As the disease becomes more severe there may be a number of symptoms:
- Fatigue, weakness, malaise, nausea and stomach nausea.
- The liver may be enlarged
- A few people may have jaundice.
If only fatty liver alone, the disease is not dangerous to the well. However, if the immune system detects an abnormal operation and remove the damaged liver cells, white blood cells will appear everywhere induced hepatitis. Prolonged inflammation will lead to fibrosis and cirrhosis.
The diagnosis of fatty liver disease
Because fatty liver does not cause any significant symptoms, the disease is often only detected when the patient accidentally liver ultrasound (Ultrasound of the Abdomen) for any other reason.
Although the shape of the liver will have some special nuances when examined by ultrasound or MRI, but the method is still the most accurate biopsy of the liver (liver biopsy). In this method, a small needle will be "pierced" straight to the liver. Then liver cells will be studied under a microscope. This method is relatively safe and not painful so just a little local anesthetic injection under the skin only.
How to treat fatty liver disease
The most effective method for the treatment of fatty liver disease is alcohol. Therefore, people with fatty liver to stop drinking as soon as possible, especially as liver cirrhosis and not the bottle.
Some diabetes drugs like Actos, Avandia or cholesterol-lowering drugs such as lovastatin could relieved the progression of fatty liver.
Lose weight if you are overweight or obese.
Hibiscus tea daily drinking yogurt is also very good for fatty liver disease, customers Herb shared that the index patient was significantly reduced after a period of use.
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Hibiscus tea is prepared from sour dried fruit Hibiscus stations or embedded Hibiscus tea of Herb .
Prevention of fatty liver disease
- By choosing a healthy lifestyle, you can prevent overweight, obesity, one of the causes of fatty liver disease. Make dieting slowly and sustainably.
- Perform diet is well balanced it is less saturated fat and increase fiber.
- Create the habit of exercise, at least four times a week. You can walk, swim, garden, practice the sport you love (it is best to consult a specialist to practice mode fit your health status).
- Limit alcohol.
After the sharing, Herb hope customers will have the full understanding of fatty liver disease and is always conscious to protect the health of themselves by maintaining a healthy diet using sour Hibiscus tea every day, exercise and stay away from alcohol will help you in good health.
Herbal customer wishes to stay healthy!

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