In addition to diabetes, obesity, drug intoxication ..., fatty liver disease are caused by alcohol.
Alcohol increases fat mobilization from tissue reserves and reduce the
oxidation of fatty acids in the liver in addition to make up the
liposomes (triglycerides) cause liver dysfunction.
Alcohol can cause acute liver steatosis or chronic. In acute fatty liver, patients with acute abdominal pain can be caused by stretching the liver hepatocytes. When tests show increased transaminases, hyperbilirubinemia, photphatase control ... Some patients may manifest psychosis.
Chronic liver steatosis often depends on the extent, time drinking and morbidities.
When chronic liver steatosis, patients may anorexia, abdominal
distention, pain, ie the liver, shaking hands, psychosis, tests show
impairment of liver function. Ultrasound shows hyperechoic liver parenchyma are. Progress can lead to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis ...
Treatment of fatty liver disease include abstinence and have a full diet. According to the above regimen, stagnation abnormal fat in the liver lost within 1 to 4 weeks. Rest absolutely no help for treatment outcome.
The triggers male, in a few studies teachers are substances that speed
up the metabolism of lipids (but not in several other studies obtained
the same result), can be detrimental because they may cause cholestasis
and therefore is not indicated for the treatment.
Initial treatment for a patient with alcoholic fatty liver requires good standing alcoholism therapy.
The early symptoms of withdrawal syndrome is restless, anxious,
trembling shock, sweating, insomnia, and in some cases, visual
hallucinations. The addiction is related to an increase in pulse rate and blood pressure associated with mydriasis. By then possibly seizures or delirium alcohol level.
The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome can sometimes make it
difficult for the differential diagnosis of patients with symptoms of
cerebral hepatitis (hepatic encephalopathy), also cases they appear at
the same time.
However, the withdrawal syndrome is characterized by symptoms of
hyperactivity adjacent autonomic nervous insomnia and completely;
also in hepatic encephalopathy is the sign of increased mobilization
and insomnia often only be temporary, usually occurs at night and
replaced by a condition on the day drowsiness.
Delirium alcohol level, the most important complications of alcohol
withdrawal syndrome usually occurs in approximately 2 to 3 days after
stopping drinking, but can also appear later, about 7 to 10 days later. Patients with symptoms of disorientation, confusion, hallucinations, agitation, involuntary activity and occasional seizures. These patients often have a fever, rapid pulse, sweating, flushed and mydriasis. These symptoms usually decrease after 3 to 5 days. The last sign of the disorder, the patient fell into a deep sleep and gradually extend the range province. Mortality rates of delirium alcohol level was reported by 30%.
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