Medicinal 1:
Ingredients: 100g rice, 15g dried tangerine peel.
Usage: rice is tender and cooked into porridge for pulverized dried
tangerine peel mixed, boiled down to low heat, in 2 divided doses while
eating hungry.
Medicinal 2
Ingredients: 100g white radish, 5 fruit blueberries, honey and 20g 300ml boiling water.
How to use: Squeeze water whipped white radish seeded pound. Mix radish juice and blueberries, honey, mix with boiling water. 2 divided doses before meals.
All three drugs:
Ingredients: 3g tubers ventricle, green tea 3g, 200ml boiling water.
Usage: Dry, spreading debris ventricle. Braking ventricle and green tea with boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Rather drink tea and eat can always all right.
Medicinal 4:
Ingredients: 10g turmeric, dried tangerine peel 10g, green tea 3g.
Usage: Two things dried and pulverized green tea. Excellent drink in 2 divided doses.
Medicinal treatment of fatty liver can talk less:
Medicinal 5:
Material: medlar 15g, 15g lotus, water 600ml
Usage: medlar, thinly sliced, dried lotus leaves, crumble. Mix two things cooked with 600ml water, 300ml size also, divided 2 drinks per day.
Medicinal 6:
Nguye material: 30g's mind, of course, fresh lotus leaf 50g, 100g rice.
Usage: Italy's certainly chopped. Two things cooked into porridge with rice is tender. Share eat when hungry 2 times.
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