1. Onions - Helps increase the amount of good cholesterol in the body
Onions are one of the few foods that contain prostaglandin A - a substance that helps vasodilation, can soften blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity, increased coronary blood flow, blood pressure, promote other substances excretion, thus, blood lipid in which that is excreted.
Also, regularly eat onions can reduce bad cholesterol, improve atherosclerosis, cholesterol donated to benefit the body.
2. The parking - Elimination bad cholesterol
Sprouts are one of the foods that function reduces bad cholesterol in the body. In particular, during the germination of bean sprouts vitamin approximately 67 times higher than the original bean. Vitamin C can promote the excretion of cholesterol and prevent the buildup of artery. Sprouts contain more fiber to help the body eliminate cholesterol is bad for the body.

3. Apples - Absorption of excess cholesterol
Apples are foods to reduce cholesterol. Apples contain soluble fiber with acid. Can anyone imagine this compound like a sponge will absorb the excess cholesterol and triglycerides.
In addition, apples also contain pectin can lower cholesterol and thus increase the effect of lowering blood cholesterol.
Not only that, Apple can decompose acetic acid, this activity is beneficial for preventing catabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides.
However, to achieve maximum effectiveness in lowering cholesterol, preferably outside of fruits and vegetables, eat more meat to the best of health protection.
4. Salmon - "Helping Hands" for lowering triglycerides
Salmon is rich in Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, can reduce triglycerides and increase density lipoprotein cholesterol, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels.
5. Carp
In addition to the carp salmon is one of the best foods for fat in the blood of people with the disease.

6. skinless chicken
Compared with pork, beef, lamb and other red meat chicken meat contains unsaturated fatty acids, are suitable for the treatment of fat in the blood
Taboo for blood fatty
1. Eat less fat
To reduce blood cholesterol, diet only provides less than 30% calories from fat - Avoid animal fats (lard, butter, grease ...) and cream cow's milk: These foods contain saturated fat , the very nature artery. The best way is to select the whole lean, if you should eat poultry without the skin. If the use of dairy foods, choose the type of skimmed (or skim). Even yogurt or cheese should also choose the type made from skim milk or milk fat content of 1-2%.
- Avoid using palm oil or coconut oil. Not only exist separately, these oils are present in vegetable cream to drink coffee (coffee creamers, coffee mate), cheesecake, chocolate ...
- Avoid foods such as margarine and bread form of bars, cakes baked products such as potato chips fried form, instant noodles and food processing industries other available. In these foods have trans fatty acids, can increase blood cholesterol levels. To avoid this acid, if you want butter on bread select soft margarines.
- Use olive oil, canola oil, corn oil, safflower seed oil, soybean oil and sunflower oil. These oils have the effect of lowering cholesterol levels. It should be noted that the total of all fats mentioned above shall not exceed 30% of calories allowed.

2. Eat less red meat, eat more fish, vegetables
- Limit the amount of red meat (beef, horses, cattle, sheep) consumed less than 255 g / week.
- Eat more fish (two or three times per week) to obtain Omega-3 fatty acid systems, have cardioprotective effects. Salmon, tuna, sardines, herring and mackerel have this kind of fatty acids.
- Increase the amount of fiber in your diet, especially soluble form. These foods are high in soluble fiber are brown rice, and legumes, lentils, barley, vegetables, fruit (apples, pears, guava, plum, orange, grapefruit). These foods reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol is absorbed into the body, helps "expulsion" of bile salts out.
- Load enough folic acid: If acid levels in the blood is too low, homocysteine levels will increase, leading to the risk of heart disease. The researchers recommended daily load of 400 micrograms of folic acid foods such as spinach, orange juice, bread, peanuts, white bean and wheat germ.
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