
Room fatty liver disease begins diet

 Fatty liver is a condition in fat accumulation in the liver and surrounded by more than 5% of body weight hepatocytes. Disease fatty liver can occur in people of all ages, including children, but most common in middle-aged overweight or obese, and those with diabetes, those with high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.  
What causes fatty liver due to alcohol consumption leading to liver dysfunction; overweight, diabetes leads to fatty acid oxidation in the liver; use of drugs, poison lead to liver cell destruction.  Recognize signs of fatty liver :  The first stage because of the liver fat deposition occurs slowly up the majority of the first phase were no obvious signs. Only when an ultrasound, blood tests or scans to detect it. However, some cases of fatty liver may have signs such as fatigue, pain or heavy ie the liver.   Following stages: there will be signs: abdominal pain, jaundice, nausea and vomiting. At this time, the disease fatty liver disease progression and have the treatment more difficult. 
 Fatty liver how dangerous?  10-25% fatty liver can progress to cirrhosis and death. This would have meant a lot to those who wish to have a healthy and long life. To slow the progression of diseases affecting the activity of the liver, appropriate diet and keep a healthy weight is necessary. Here are the general principles of food for people with fatty liver disease. The diet should be selected:
Foods with a low glycemic index (GI): whole grains, fresh fruits and less fiber, vegetables and beans.
Use just enough protein (not short and not redundant): select fish, skinless poultry, lean meats, low-fat milk, low-fat cheese.
Should lose weight slowly to reduce fat around the liver (not excessive weight loss because it can be dangerous).
Eat moderate protein (1g / kg body weight / day).
Strengthening vegetables, fruits (per person per day should eat at least 300g of vegetables, 200g of fresh ripe fruits).
Some foods are considered drugs that reduce fat as soybean oil, peas, fresh ripe tomatoes, yellow pepper, vegetable shrinkage, celery, lettuce fish, garlic, banana, lemon, orange, tangerine , grapefruit, apples, green, luscious ...
These foods should be limited to:
The cholesterol-rich foods like organ meats of all kinds of animals, animal skin, and egg yolks. Limit fat, animal fat, vegetable oil selected priority (except coconut oil).
The spicy foods like ginger, garlic, chilli, pepper, coffee.
Minimizing alcohol, it is best not to drink.
How to feed suitable for fatty liver disease:
Limit the use of materials such as butter, grease, oil, mayonnaise and margarine in the menu. Limit fat and cholesterol in food by filtering out fat from meat and poultry skin; remove fat cottage country as soup, soup. Recipes minimize fat is baked, steamed, boiled eggs and.
Note: For practicing sport reasonable to hold weight in the benchmark. Experts advised to spend about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, walking or cycling. For people who want to lose weight need to set from 60-90 minutes / day.

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