
Prevention of fatty liver disease

Fatty liver disease can occur in both men and women, of all ages. But often, the proportion of men with fatty liver than women. Vietnam currently has about 10-25% of the population suffers from fatty liver. The abdominal obesity, obesity risk for fatty liver 4-5x compared to those with weight and waist circumference in average.
A blood test is the fastest way to detect liver mo.Anh: P.Lieu
A blood test is the fastest way to detect liver mo.Anh: P.Lieu
Alcoholism, obesity, diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, intravenous feeding, the genetic disorder of fatty acid oxidation, other liver diseases (chronic hepatitis C) and a number of systemic diseases such as inflammatory bowel syndrome, acquired immunodeficiency (HIV-AIDS as ...) are diseases facilitate formation of fatty liver disease.
Previously, fatty liver is considered to be harmless, but recently it has been determined to be the major diseases and quickly put to cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. Due to the state of fat deposition in the liver occurs slowly so its expression is often not clear. But ultrasound, blood tests or scans will be easily detected. However, patients still have symptoms such as fatigue, pain or heavy ie the liver. Heavy   when there is abdominal pain, jaundice, nausea, hepatomegaly.
* Treatment and prevention
Previously, fatty liver disease is common in older people, but now many young people were infected, even children who are obese are also steatosis. The reason is that the economic development of life, many people have a habit of eating more but less active. Medical experts warn that fatty liver disease of the 21st century treatment of fatty liver disease, primarily to treat these factors as primary liver damaged by drug poisoning, diseases related to liver such as hepatitis B, C ... and then treating secondary factors through diet, activity, movement reasonable.
Reasonable diet is the most important measure in preventing fatty liver disease. Should reduce cholesterol rich foods like organ meats of all kinds of animals, animal skins, egg yolks, limited animal fats. It can be replaced by vegetable fats, fried foods to eat, fried, enhance fiber foods such as vegetables, reduced protein from meat instead of shrimp, crab, fish, use less milk fat; diet, proper meals, punctuality, minimizing alcohol as this is an important reason causing fatty liver disease and many other liver disease; regular health monitoring, testing blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride blood every 6 months for early detection of diabetes; drugs used with caution.
In addition, the need of exercise, sport practice reasonable to hold weight in the benchmark. Should spend 30 minutes each day to practice sports. Especially men, many people do not eat that morning just to drink coffee, eat at lunch, evening meal put both into the party. The amount of food given to the many and the evening is so fat excreted from the liver is limited, will gradually accumulate, leading to fat in the liver is too high, causing the disease.

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