But some obese people to 57.4% - 74% suffer from fatty liver, but this does not mean they will not get skinny disease. There are many causes leading to fatty liver, such as poor nutrition or protein deficiency in the body, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the liver leads to fatty liver.
No breakfast for a long time, more than a simple lunch to very easily lead to lack of nutrition , inadequate protein leads to liver fat accumulation.
If not sit long walk, lots of exercise, the energy and body fat in no
way be consumed, eventually turn into fat, when fat accumulates under
the skin manifestations of fat hypertrophy, even when stored in the
liver becomes fatty liver.
For people with fatty liver due to lack of nutrients, protein
deficiency and drugs cause liver damage is too much movement will affect
the exchange of metabolism of the liver, is not conducive to health
for the excess nutrients lead to obesity or type 2 diabetes, the
control diet and mobilize appropriate sport is extremely important.
To eat a full breakfast, lunch, just eat, eat dinner at the experience
has been proven by scientific soundness, but still a lot of people do
not experience this. Despite how busy they must also concern and care for their own meal. If breakfast is not likely to have fatty liver is extremely high, it's time to look back we regret and remorse. So from an early age parents to forge their children the habit of eating a full breakfast, all of them should not skip breakfast no matter how busy.
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