The specialist clinic 12 Kim Ma
said, however, the emergence of alcoholic fatty liver disease is
closely related to alcohol, but the emergence of the disease there are
many factors involved.
At the time when patients suffering from other diseases, are more
susceptible to this disease, such as those with liver disease, diabetes
... Therefore, alcohol does not necessarily lead to fatty liver.
In addition,
consistent with the amount of alcohol is beneficial for the body, for
the area of alcohol, if you drink the right amount, at the same time
protects the liver in a reasonable manner in everyday life, combining
checked periodically, if detected abnormal liver function, so the
treatment is to avoid the damage of worsening liver, thus avoiding the
development of alcoholic fatty liver. So drink do not necessarily lead to disease.
Specialist clinics 12 Kim Ma adds, must limit the amount of alcohol
into the body, to avoid the generation of fatty liver alcohol sensibly.
If unfortunately suffering from alcoholic fatty liver disease, the
patient required immediate treatment for alcoholism, and to hospitals
and specialty clinics to conduct early treatment, alcoholic fatty liver
if not treated harm is large, liver clinic 12 Kim Ma has years of experience in the treatment of liver diseases, the clinic has a team of leading doctors to visit Vietnam, the noble medical ethics expert, experienced style various clinics where the best choice of the patient.
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